If you have any information about these crimes or any person(s) involved, you are urged to call Crime Stoppers at or submit a Web Tip . You do not have to give your name. CRIME STOPPERS will pay a cash reward of up to $1000 and you can remain anonymous.
Crime Stoppers is seeking the community’s assistance for information on two burglary and theft incidents that occurred recently in Garapan.
On Friday, August 20th, 2010, a Blue Toyota Camry Sedan, parked at Capitol Bowling Alley, Garapan, was broken into and items stolen. The incident occurred between 6:45 to 10:15 pm.
The passenger window of the car was smashed and two bags stolen. Inside one of the bags were a couple of t shirts worth $20.00 each. In the other bag were two computer hard drives estimated to be at $200.00 each.
On Sunday, September 5th, 2010, the
The Department of Public Safety and Crime Stoppers are seeking help from the public. Please contact the Crime Stoppers hotline at 234-7272 should you want to remain anonymous or use our website a www.nmicrimestoppers.com. Crime stoppers pays up to $1,000.00 for any information leading to an arrest. It pays to call.
Anyone having information about these crimes, or any other crimes, please call the Crime Stoppers hotline at 234-7272.
· Crime Stoppers pays cash rewards up to $1,000 for information leading to an arrest.
· Caller ID is not used. Send web tips to www.nmicrimestoppers.com
· All tips remain anonymous.
· It pays to make the call.
NMI Crime Stoppers
Crime Stoppers is seeking the community’s assistance for information on several crimes committed at The Department of Lands & Natural Resources’ (DLNR) Division of Parks & Recreation (DPR) Office in As Perdido which was burglarized three times in last two months.
On June 14, 2010 thieves broke into the office allegedly using a crowbar and stole a hedge trimmer worth approximately $300.00. The trimmer was recovered a few days later when an office staff noticed the hedge trimmer hidden in shrub plants within the DPR compound.
On July 4th, and 26th, the Parks and recreation office was burglarized again. 10 bush cutters, 2 cases of oil 2 cycle oil, and 4 spools of trimmer line were stolen. The total value of the stolen items is estimated to be at about $5,000.00.
The items stolen include:
Brush Cutters:
Six (6)
Four (4)
Four (4) spools of trimmer line .130 (120 lbs. / 20, 000 feet)
Two (2) cases of 2 cycle oil
The Department of Public Safety’s Criminal Investigative Bureau (CIB) and Crime Stoppers are seeking help from the public. Please contact the Crime Stoppers hotline at 234-7272 should you want to remain anonymous or use our website a www.nmicrimestoppers.com. It pays to call.
Anyone having information about these crimes, or any other crimes, please call the Crime Stoppers hotline at 234-7272.
· Crime Stoppers pays cash rewards up to $1,000 for information leading to an arrest.
· Caller ID is not used. Send web tips to www.nmicrimestoppers.com
· All tips remain anonymous.
· It pays to make the call.
NMI Crime Stoppers
Crime Stoppers is seeking the community’s assistance for information an attempted robbery that occurred at the MGM Poker, As Lito next to Hollywood Video.
On Monday, August 9th, 2010, at about 6:39 am, a male suspect wearing a black nylon mask, a light brown bush hat, a white long sleeved shirt, a pair of light brown short pants, and white shoes, attempted to enter the MGM Poker establishment. The security guard on duty intercepted the suspect at the main door. The guard tried to prevent the suspect from entering establishment.
The suspect armed with a can of diesel threw the liquid onto the security guard and missed spilling it onto the floor. The suspect threw a rock at the security guard and missed. The security guard attempted to detain the suspect and the two men struggled falling to the ground. The suspect was able to escape and run north towards the back of the building.
The Department of Public Safety’s Criminal Investigative Bureau (CIB) and Crime Stoppers are seeking help from the public. Please contact the Crime Stoppers hotline at 234-7272 should you want to remain anonymous or use our website a www.nmicrimestoppers.com. It pays to call.
Anyone having information about these crimes, or any other crimes, please call the Crime Stoppers hotline at 234-7272.
· Crime Stoppers pays cash rewards up to $1,000 for information leading to an arrest.
· Caller ID is not used. Send web tips to www.nmicrimestoppers.com
· All tips remain anonymous.
· It pays to make the call.
NMI Crime Stoppers
Crime Stoppers is seeking the community’s assistance for information on a robbery that was reported to Police on Friday night, July 9th, 2010, at about 8:33 pm. The crime occurred at the Blue Sea Sports Dive Shop, located across the street from Shell gas station, Susupe.
Earlier that night, the victim, a 57 year old Japanese male, was walking towards his front door, when he was suddenly attacked from behind. The suspect struck the victim on his face and the back of his leg with a wooden stick. The suspect grabbed the victim’s bag containing money and a cell phone.
The suspect fled north, scaled the fence by
The Department of Public Safety’s Criminal Investigative Bureau (CIB) and Crime Stoppers are seeking help from the community. Please contact the Crime Stoppers hotline at 234-7272 should you want to remain anonymous or use our website a www.nmicrimestoppers.com. It pays to call.
Anyone having information about these crimes, please call the Crime Stoppers hotline at 234-7272.
· Crime Stoppers pays cash rewards up to $1,000 for information leading to an arrest.
· Caller ID is not used. Send web tips to www.nmicrimestoppers.com
· All tips remain anonymous.
· It pays to make the call.
NMI Crime Stoppers Commissioner, DPS
Benigno R. Fitial
Governor Elloy S. Inos Lieutenant Governor Emergency (24 hrs.) 911 DPS Main Switchboard (670) 664-9000 Office of the Commissioner Tel: 664-9022 Fax: 664-9027 Police Division Tel: 664-9001/2 Fire Division Tel : 664-9003/4 Fax: 664-9009 Bureau of Motor Vehicle Tel : 664-9066 Fax: 664-9067 Training and Development Tel : 664-9094 Fax: 664-9096 Administrative Support Tel : 664-9000 Fax: 664-9019 Criminal Investigation Tel : 664-9042 Fax: 664-9051 Traffic Investigation Tel : 664-9084 Fax: 664-9086 Office of Special Services Tel : 664-9120 Fax: 664-9141 Tel : (670) 532-9433 Fax: (670) 532-9434 Tel : (670) 433-9222 Fax: (670) 433-9259 |
TO: All Media Services DATE: July 21, 2010
Commissioner, DPS
FROM: POII. Jason T. Tarkong
DPS- Acting Public Information Officer
SUBJECT: Robbery, Susupe CS#10-006531
On Friday night, July 9th, 2010, at about 8:33 pm, Police Officer Jesus Wabol, responded to a theft incident reported at the Blue Sea Sports Dive Shop, located across the street from Shell gas station, Susupe.
Officer Wabol learned that the victim, 57 year old Japanese male, returned home from having dinner. As the victim walked towards his front door, he was suddenly attacked from behind and struck on his face and the back of his leg with a wooden stick. The victim covered his face to protect himself. The suspect grabbed the victim’s bag containing money and a cell phone.
The suspect fled north, scaled the fence by
Victim: Japanese male, age 57
Name: Withheld
Injuries: Bruised right leg and swollen lips. Victim refused to be treated by medics and transport to the hospital for further treatment.
Items stolen include the victim’s bag, cell phone and about $100.00 cash.
Anyone having information about this crime, or any other crime, please call the Department of Public Safety Criminal Investigation Bureau at 664-9042. Should you want to remain anonymous, please call the Crime Stoppers Hotline at 234-7272 or use our website at www.nmicrimestoppers.com All calls remain anonymous and a reward of up to $1,000.00 will be paid to the tipster if an arrest is made.
POII Jason T. Tarkong
Acting PIO
Crime Stoppers is seeking help from the public for information on a burglary incident that occurred in Gualo Rai. On Wednesday night, June 30th, 2010 p.m., Police responded to a burglary incident that occurred at a residence located in the
The victim’s left their home at about 8:00 p.m. and returned a few hours later at 11:00 p.m. Upon arrival, they discovered their home was broken into and items stolen. The victim’s noticed that the window type air conditioning unit in one of the rooms was pushed in from the outside. The suspect(s) used this as their point of entry to commit the crime.
Stolen from the residence were several gold and silver bracelets, necklaces and rings valued at over $1,000.00. Other items stolen include a CD player worth $200.00, a pink piggy bank, and $75.00 cash. A crow bar was discovered at the crime scene.
The Department of Public Safety’s Criminal Investigative Bureau (CIB) and Crime Stoppers are seeking help from the public. Please contact the Crime Stoppers hotline at 234-7272 should you want to remain anonymous or use our website a www.nmicrimestoppers.com. It pays to call.
Anyone having information about these crimes, please call the Crime Stoppers hotline at 234-7272.
· Crime Stoppers pays cash rewards up to $1,000 for information leading to an arrest.
· Caller ID is not used. Send web tips to www.nmicrimestoppers.com
· All tips remain anonymous.
· It pays to make the call.
NMI Crime Stoppers
Crime Stoppers is seeking the community’s assistance for information on a robbery case that occurred on Tuesday, morning at about 5:00 a.m., June 22nd, 2010, at the Mobil gas station located in Sadog Tasi.
Police learned that the suspect, described as a local male, 30 years old, 5’6 to 5’8” tall, 180 to 200 lbs heavy, wearing a, dark colored shirt, green army pants, and a green mask.
Witnesses said the suspect speaking with a Chamorro accent pointed the rifle at the cashier and demanded money from the cash register. The money was given to him and he escaped with an undetermined amount of money. The suspect was last seen running west from the gas station.
The Department of Public Safety’s Criminal Investigative Bureau (CIB) and Crime Stoppers are seeking help from the community. Please contact the Crime Stoppers hotline at 234-7272 should you want to remain anonymous or use our website a www.nmicrimestoppers.com. It pays to call.
Anyone having information about these crimes, please call the Crime Stoppers hotline at 234-7272.
· Crime Stoppers pays cash rewards up to $1,000 for information leading to an arrest.
· Caller ID is not used. Send web tips to www.nmicrimestoppers.com
· All tips remain anonymous.
· It pays to make the call.
NMI Crime Stoppers
Crime Stoppers is seeking the community’s assistance for information on a kidnapping case that ended in a sexual assault incident involving a 16 old female victim that occurred in Kagman III. The Police responded to this sexual assault and is seeking assistance from the general public.
The victim, (16 year old local female) was walking towards
The victim regained consciousness and sought assistance from passing motorists who then called the Police and reported the matter. DPS emergency technicians responded as well and transported the victim to the
The Department of Public Safety’s Criminal Investigative Bureau (CIB) and Crime Stoppers are seeking help from the community. Please contact the Crime Stoppers hotline at 234-7272 should you want to remain anonymous or use our website a www.nmicrimestoppers.com. It pays to call.
Anyone having information about these crimes, please call the Crime Stoppers hotline at 234-7272.
· Crime Stoppers pays cash rewards up to $1,000 for information leading to an arrest.
· Caller ID is not used. Send web tips to www.nmicrimestoppers.com
· All tips remain anonymous.
· It pays to make the call.
NMI Crime Stoppers
Commissioner, DPS
TO: All Media Services DATE: June 17, 2010
Acting Commissioner, DPS
FROM: Public Information Officer
SUBJECT: Kidnapping and Sexual Assault of a minor
(Ref: DPS Cs#10-005641)
Brief Synopsis:
On Tuesday, June 8, 2010, Police responded to a sexual assault incident in Kagman-III
The victim, (16 year old local female) was walking towards
The victim awoke in an abandoned house. The victim was transported by her neighbor that found her walking towards that main road. The operator of vehicle saw the injuries of the victim and contacted 911. Then transported her to school to meet with the police and medics.
Investigation revealed that the victim has been stalked by an unknown male described about 5’5” to 5’7”, medium build and light completed. The unknown male would wait for her till she gets out of school and walk with her towards her residence in Kagman III.
During the day of the incident, victim saw the two male suspects that attacked her. One of them was wearing a camouflage pants with no shirt, long hair, medium build and light completed [driver]. The other male was described wearing a red shirt and shoulder length curly hair [passenger].
Anyone having information about this crime or any other crime is asked to call the Department of Public Safety Criminal Investigation Bureau at 664-9042, the Crime Stoppers Hotline at 234-7272 or DPS 911.
No other detail received.
POII. Eric F. David
And Press Release from DPS
Crime Stoppers is seeking the community’s assistance for information on a Burglary incident that occurred at a residence on
On Wednesday, morning, April 7th, 2010, police responded to a burglary incident at a residence on
The burglary occurred at night while the victims were sleeping. Witnesses saw two local males both about 5’6” to 5’8” tall, wearing desert camouflage short pants. They were seen leaving the area in a Silver old model
The Department of Public Safety’s Criminal Investigative Bureau (CIB) and Crime Stoppers are seeking help from the community. Please contact the Crime Stoppers hotline at 234-7272 should you want to remain anonymous or use our website a www.nmicrimestoppers.com. It pays to call.
Anyone having information about these crimes, please call the Crime Stoppers hotline at 234-7272.
· Crime Stoppers pays cash rewards up to $1,000 for information leading to an arrest.
· Caller ID is not used. Send web tips to www.nmicrimestoppers.com
· All tips remain anonymous.
· It pays to make the call.
NMI Crime Stoppers
Crime Stoppers is seeking the community’s assistance for information on a Burglary incident that occurred at a residence on Topachau.
On Monday, morning, April 12th, 2010, police responded to a burglary incident at a residence located at an apartment complex on
The burglary occurred at night while the victims were sleeping sometime between midnight and 7:00 a.m.
The Department of Public Safety’s Criminal Investigative Bureau (CIB) and Crime Stoppers are seeking help from the community. Please contact the Crime Stoppers hotline at 234-7272 should you want to remain anonymous or use our website a www.nmicrimestoppers.com. It pays to call.
Anyone having information about these crimes, please call the Crime Stoppers hotline at 234-7272.
· Crime Stoppers pays cash rewards up to $1,000 for information leading to an arrest.
· Caller ID is not used. Send web tips to www.nmicrimestoppers.com
· All tips remain anonymous.
· It pays to make the call.
NMI Crime Stoppers
Crime Stoppers is seeking the community’s assistance for information on several Burglary incidents that occurred at a residence in the
On Tuesday, afternoon, March 23rd, 2010, police responded to a burglary incident at a residence located near
On Tuesday, afternoon, March 30th, 2010, (one week later) police responded to another burglary and theft incident at the same location (victim). Police learned that the stolen item was a Purple Acer laptop computer.
Both burglaries occurred in the daytime during the late morning or early afternoon. Police believe the crimes were committed by the same suspect(s).
The Department of Public Safety’s Criminal Investigative Bureau (CIB) and Crime Stoppers are seeking help from the community. Please contact the Crime Stoppers hotline at 234-7272 should you want to remain anonymous or use our website a www.nmicrimestoppers.com. It pays to call.
Anyone having information about these crimes, please call the Crime Stoppers hotline at 234-7272.
· Crime Stoppers pays cash rewards up to $1,000 for information leading to an arrest.
· Caller ID is not used. Send web tips to www.nmicrimestoppers.com
· All tips remain anonymous.
· It pays to make the call.
NMI Crime Stoppers
Crime Stoppers is seeking the community’s assistance for information on several Burglary incidents that occurred at residences in the San Vicente, Capitol Hill, and Papago area.
On Sunday, morning, March 7, 2010, police responded to a burglary incident at a residence located near
On Sunday, morning, April 11th, 2010, police responded to a burglary incident at a residence located in San Vicente. The victim had two cellular phones and his wallet stolen. The cell phones are of the “HTC” brand, “Touch Diamond” model. Items in the wallet include credit cards, identification and cash.
On Monday, morning, April 19th, 2010, police responded to a burglary incident at a residence located in the I’Denni area (Near Dr. Jack’s, between Capitol Hill and Papago). Items stolen include a Silver Gateway laptop, a Blue Fuji Digital Camera, a Silver Nikkon digital camera, A White purse with a black strap containing keys and a silver/black wallet. In the wallet were identification, credit cards, and cash.
It possible that these burglaries may be related and involve the same suspect(s).
The Department of Public Safety’s Criminal Investigative Bureau (CIB) and Crime Stoppers are seeking help from the community. Please contact the Crime Stoppers hotline at 234-7272 should you want to remain anonymous or use our website a www.nmicrimestoppers.com. It pays to call.
Anyone having information about these crimes, please call the Crime Stoppers hotline at 234-7272.
· Crime Stoppers pays cash rewards up to $1,000 for information leading to an arrest.
· Caller ID is not used. Send web tips to www.nmicrimestoppers.com
· All tips remain anonymous.
· It pays to make the call.
NMI Crime Stoppers
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